Recently, PM Narendra Modi announced that a precautionary dose would be given to around 3 crore front line workers, including health workers, from January 10, amid rising cases of the new corona variant Omicron. Along with this, citizens of 60+ years of age suffering from serious illness will be given a precaution dose. Also, on the advice of their doctor, the choice of vaccine dosage will be given. This will also be started from January 10 itself.
The additional dose of vaccine given to those most likely to be infected with the corona is called the Precaution dose. According to information received from government sources, there may be a gap of 9 months to 12 months between the second dose and the precaution dose.
Difference between a booster and a precaution dose
The basic difference is that a precautionary dose means a third or additional dose of the same vaccine. Doctors will give it to such patients, whose body is very weak due to serious diseases. This dose is being called precaution dose because it will be applied to such people, in whom the immunity against virus is very low even after two doses of the vaccine. In addition, the precaution dose will be applied to healthcare and frontline workers because booster shots from Pfizer and Moderna are not available in India.
On the other hand, Booster shots are given to people whose immunity declines over time. The effect of both doses of the original vaccine lasts for 6 months to 1 year. Therefore, by applying a different type of vaccine, immunity is boosted.
Status of Booster shot in the world:
At present, more than 35 countries around the world are giving booster doses to their citizens. In different countries, people are being given booster doses under different guidelines.
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The booster dose was first given in Israel in August, after which booster doses are being given in countries like America, Canada, Japan, China, Turkey along with almost all countries of Europe including Britain, France, Spain, Norway, Germany.
Efficacy of booster shot:
UK Health Security Agency says that a booster dose of corona provides 70 to 75% protection against symptomatic infection of the Omicron variant. However, this study is still in its early stages, so its results may change if more data is received in the coming days.
If we talk about Israel, since August, booster doses are being given to the citizens. In October, Israel’s largest health maintenance organization, Klait Health Service, conducted the study. In this, 7.28 lakh people who took booster doses were studied. The booster dose is 92% effective in preventing serious infections compared to the two doses found in this.
Besides, Chinese biotech company Sinovac has published a study regarding booster doses. It was found that the third vaccine dose was 94% effective against the Omicron variant.
Sinovac claims that the third vaccine dose is 94% effective against the Omicron variant. Pfizer and Moderna also studied the vaccine effectiveness on America- Omicron. The companies had said that the booster dose of their vaccine is also effective against Omicron.
Also read: COVID Updates: Restrictions Imposed; New Vaccines Got Approval